Monster dildo – Cowgirl QueenOfStretch nipples pump during rides on a monster SeaHorse dildo

QueenOfStretch, the hairy, pussy pornstar QueenOfStretch pumps her tits on rides on a SeaHorse. Cunt Whore Alexis, the beloved 'Loose’ character Cunt Whore Alexis stars in this incredible insert film. She is totally enjoying the XXXL SeaHorse' Dil from Hankeys Toys while screaming with a wheeze! This is one of the most intense and profound dildos that a Canadian whore has ever given us, and we will always remember it as one of our favorite insertion films. As Alexis spews out on her SeaHorse dildo in cow print stockings, breastfeeding breast pumps are attached to every nipple. The massive shaft measures 17'' in height and is 4.5' at the bottom. It's here that the smug bucket cunt wore slams down. Her grunting and grunting sounds like a possessed animal, telling you how she loves every minute of this horrible cunt. 'Aghhh! Fucking You Whore! "Ruin That Fafing Twat" and "Fucking Take It all It's you Whore!" She screams before exploding in a series, each time. Although we don’t know the exact method Alexis used to place this gigantic toy, we do know that it did reach her womb. She is crawling on her stomach at the peak, as she slurps up fluids and makes her cow's cunt hang low.
FileSize: 997 MB | PlayTime: 00:09:08.100 | Format: MPEG-4 | Resolution: 1920×1080