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Amateur rough pussy fisting in a doggy-style pose with redheadlatina. Tina, a fisting shere and a sensational update, has her drooling loose sperm pounded insanely hard by her boyfriend until she explodes. For maximum pleasure, she adores the feeling of her boyfriend's big fingers piercing her skin. As her boyfriend prepares to give her punch, you can see that she is sitting on her stomach watching her boyfriend from behind. His hand is lubricated. There is no turning around! Tina's flaccid tint is dealt a devastating punch by his knuckles, twisting and blasting the cunt in and out at light speed. Tina's Cunt is totally destroyed by his knuckles, as he rams into the G-spot. The ravenous and sexy whore requires more. Her boyfriend gives her no respite. He doesn't even take a bite of his fist after she's orgasmed. Tina is shocked and thrilled at his infliction on her snatch. She feels a sensation unlike any other and grabs at her cheeks with both hands. She continues to hit him with her snatch until he reaches a second, mind blowing climax. After that, she collapses on ground, limp, and breathless.

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